Next-Generation Clear Aligners.

Henry Schein Orthodontics wanted to show why Reveal is unlike most clear aligners. The manufacturing process provides superior transparency and better fit, allowing for less attachments and a shorter treatment time. Our goal was to create a video campaign for both doctors and patients to set Reveal apart from its competitors.

#content #campaign



→ Brand Audit

→ Campaign Concept

→ Storytelling

→ Creativity & Art Direction

→ 3D Rendering

→ Video Editing




→ Brand Audit

→ Campaign Concept

→ Storytelling

We conducted workshops with the client to define the tone of the campaign. We decided to shift from the emotional approach that the brand used in the past to a more technical / scientific look & feel.


→ Campaign Concept

→ Storytelling

The “Next generation clear aligners” video campaign represented the starting point for a new communication approach. The campaign was a key element in the process of shifting Reveal's positioning from a lifestyle product to a science-based dental device.