Positioning AI as a Dental Practice Ally

Before AI was widespread, DentalMonitoring, the leading remote monitoring company, developed an AI system that analyzes all the scans patients take from home to detect issues, track progress, and automate communication between practices and patients. Our 3D animation aims to convey its essence while reassuring doctors about their full control and personalization of the function.

#messaging #3d-animation



→ Messaging

→ Creative Concept

→ Storytelling

→ Art Direction

→ 3D Design & Animation

→ SFX Design

→ Video Editing




→ Messaging

→ Storytelling

We positioned AI as a tool to handle the heavy workload of reviewing, filtering, and detecting issues within hundreds of images. Our intention was to reassure doctors that AI will assist them rather than replace them.


→ Campaign Concept

→ Storytelling

The story starts at the patient's home and ends at the dental practice. It follows the scan's journey from the real world to the virtual AI realm and back again.